Once the restrictions in May 2021 were lifted, we all gathered together to find a new purpose in our life. We all wanted to come out with a brilliant idea that would benefit so many people of our generation.
It wasn’t easy at first because we didn’t have the ressources at hand to create an app. We had to contact different brands in order to start working on our plan. We faced multiple difficulties and rejection but we never gave up.
We had this amazing opportunity to be in contact with the famous multinational brand called Nike to collab together and create the app called WalkinYourCity.
This app is our baby and we are very proud to be able to now share it with you. The journey is just getting started, we still have a long way to go but with you by our side we know that we will be prosperous.
Everything started in the city of London. That is where we are actually based and we are planning on extending our app to other big cities in the world such as Paris, Milan, Tokyo, Madrid, New York, Los Angeles and so on.
All this so that everyone can benefit from WalkInYourCity.